March 4th – General Meeting – Lilian Magill

We are pleased to announce that the guest speaker for our CAFHS general meeting on March 4th will be Lilian Magill! Lilian will be speaking on: Exploring the hidden gems of the City of Sydney Archives. A brief look at what this extensive archive holds and how you can use it for your research.
Lilian is an experienced genealogist, active SAG member, and well-known speaker, who loves sharing her knowledge with others. We are delighted to welcome Lilian back to Camden!

Tuesday March 4th, at 7pm.
At Camden Museum 40 John St Camden.

All welcome!

Thank you to IMB!

Last year CAFHS was successful in obtaining a grant from the IMB Bank Community Foundation for two new computers for our Research Room! These have now been delivered and installed by PC Solutions. These new resources will enable our volunteers to better assist the local community with their family history, and to train people on effective research techniques and learn computer skills. Thank you IMB!

About IMB Bank Community Foundation: Established in 1880, IMB Bank is proudly customer-owned, and has been helping members achieve their financial goals for over 140 years. The IMB Bank Community Foundation was established in 1999 to support the communities IMB Bank calls home. Since inception, the Foundation has supported more than 1,000 grassroots community projects with over $12m in funding, helping to build better, brighter communities. Find out more at